'This is a food vlog from the streets of Kolkata. This area is very special for Kababs and other mughlai cuisine dishes. Street food of Kolkata has no limits and always has a lot to offer for every mood from every corner of the street. #zakariastreet #streetfoods #kolkata #kababs #urbanboyrohan #comedyapartments ------------------------------------------------------------ LIKE SHARE COMMENT SUBSCRIBE Comedy Apartment channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHMudNLtAiun5MTY-pnBegA Urban Boy Rohan - Facebook Page- https://www.facebook.com/urbanboyrohan Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/urbanboyrohan/'
Tags: Food Vlog , technical guruji , mumbiker nikhil , ramzan special , zakaria street kolkata , urbanboyrohan , urban boy rohan
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